
One of the main pillars of CERIMA Cherries is to promote the development of good environmentally friendly agricultural practices, as well as integrated crop production. We address sustainability from the responsible use of resources, compliance with regulations and certifications, together with the establishment of cooperation relationships with the community, workers, producers, suppliers, authorities and clients.

We participate throughout the year in the initiatives organized by the Ethical Trade Forums (FCE), forming part of a trusted space where producers and packers in the agri-food sector know their consumers, share experiences and discuss about the challenges related to working conditions, exchanging good practices that improve workers’ conditions.

On the other hand, given the importance we attach to both quality and relationship with our clients, we comply with the main quality certifications that support us year after year.


One of the main pillars of CERIMA Cherries is to promote the development of good environmentally friendly agricultural practices, as well as integrated crop production. We address sustainability from the responsible use of resources, compliance with regulations and certifications, together with the establishment of cooperation relationships with the community, workers, producers, suppliers, authorities and clients.

We participate throughout the year in the initiatives organized by the Ethical Trade Forums (FCE), forming part of a trusted space where producers and packers in the agri-food sector know their consumers, share experiences and discuss about the challenges related to working conditions, exchanging good practices that improve workers’ conditions.

On the other hand, given the importance we attach to both quality and relationship with our clients, we comply with the main quality certifications that support us year after year.


Cerima Cherries meets the certifications requirements of:

Carbon footprint and recycling

Based on our commitment to sustainability, we have been developing initiatives that are on this path. This is how since 2020 we are working on indicators that allow us to start measuring our carbon footprint.

Given our commitment to responsible consumption, we have recycling practices with Ecoembes to give a second life to some materials and packaging commonly used in our production.

For its part, in the orchard we have good practices specific to this sector. These agri-environmental measures include: efficient use of water, with drip irrigation and soil moisture control with probes, efficient nutrition using fertigation, planting for the improvement of water infiltration and reduction of soil erosion, incorporation into the soil of pruning remains, among others.


Task Force based on the use of data and Big Data tecnologies, to develop predictive models that anticipate information on the evolution of quality parameters and harvest volumes, for the peach and cherry sector.

For the past two seasons, CERIMA Cherries has joined the Fruit Forecast project to improve its predictions of harvest volumes and harvest dates. In this way, it aims to optimize the resources (fertilizers, water, labor, energy, etc.) allocated to its fields and warehouse each season, to be more sustainable and efficient, to harvest the cherries of each area and variety at their optimum ripeness, and to better manage their sale.

In this project, a protocol has been developed, together with IRTA and RAWDATA, where different variables (production and ripening history, sampling, satellite images, meteorological variables, edaphic variables, crop variables, etc.) are combined in a statistical model to obtain predictions using Big Data technologies.

For more information, click here.

Project financed through Operation 16.01.01 Cooperation for Innovation of the Rural Development Program of Catalonia 2014-2020